Blogs : Hub and Spoke Health

Your go-to resource for valuable tips, insights, and advice on pain management, recovery, and maintaining your physical well-being. Explore our archive for a wealth of physiotherapy knowledge

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Have you recently suffered from an ankle sprain and are unsure of how to manage it at home? Are you considering seeking physiotherapy for treatment but don’t know where
Have you recently been discharged from the hospital and are finding it challenging to regain strength and mobility? Physiotherapy at home might be just what you need to support
Are you considering physiotherapy to aid your recovery or manage a chronic condition? One aspect to contemplate is whether to opt for in-clinic sessions or physiotherapy at home. Each
Are you struggling with tennis elbow and looking for ways to manage the pain and improve your condition? Physiotherapy could be the answer you’ve been searching for. Tennis elbow,
When it comes to physiotherapy, goal-setting may not be the first thing that comes to mind. Isn’t it enough to just follow the exercises and treatments prescribed by the
Running is a great way to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle, but it can come with its fair share of challenges. One common issue that many runners
Exploring Home Care Packages and Physiotherapy Services As we journey through the various stages of life, the desire to maintain our independence and well-being remains a common thread. Home
Did you know that incorporating short bursts of activity into your daily routine could potentially lower your risk of developing cancer? While it may sound too good to be
Do you have a physical injury or condition that requires ongoing treatment? The path to recovery often includes consistent physiotherapy — a key factor in managing pain, boosting mobility,
The future of independent ageing As you embrace the journey of ageing, remember that your desire to stay at home is not just a dream – it’s a possibility
Home care packages – what am I covered for? As we age, maintaining our physical health becomes increasingly important. For individuals aged 65 and above; who have a home
As our loved ones age, their health and well-being become a top priority. Many families face the difficult decision of moving their aging parents or relatives into a nursing
Allowing Independence and Well-Being Through Tailored Home Care There’s a comforting feeling in the familiar surroundings of home. The cherished memories, the cozy corners, and the sense of belonging
Have you ever experienced the power of music to heal and uplift your mood? Music has long been recognised as a universal language that can touch our souls and
Are you recovering from an injury or dealing with chronic pain? Have you considered community physiotherapy as a solution? Physiotherapy is a crucial aspect of healthcare, helping individuals regain
Cancer is a debilitating disease that affects millions of people worldwide. Patients often undergo rigorous treatments that can leave them feeling weak and in pain. But did you know
Falls can be common, especially among elderly people, and can result in serious injuries. Falls are a significant public health concern, with one in three adults over 65 experiencing
The Power of Exercise During and After Cancer. How Hub and Spoke Health can help. Dealing with cancer and undergoing chemotherapy can be physically and emotionally challenging. While cancer
Have you ever heard of ice bath therapy? It may sound intimidating, but it’s becoming increasingly popular among athletes and fitness enthusiasts. But what exactly is it, and what
Do you have a child that might benefit from paediatric physiotherapy? Are you looking for a way to help them improve their gross motor, fine motor and speech skills?
Ice baths, also known as cold water immersion, have become a popular recovery technique among athletes and fitness enthusiasts. The theory behind ice baths is that the cold temperature
There’s no doubt that music profoundly affects our emotions and moods. It can make us happy, sad, energetic, relaxed – the list goes on. And for people with health
When you’re living with chronic pain, every day can feel like a battle. You might struggle to get through your regular routine or feel overwhelmed by the pain. If
Living with multiple sclerosis (MS) means that daily tasks that most people take for granted can become complicated and overwhelming. But don’t worry, there is help available! One treatment
Chances are you, or someone you know has suffered from whiplash. Whiplash occurs when the head is suddenly and forcefully thrown backwards and then forwards, resulting in damage to
Emphysema is a lung condition that specifically affects the structural integrity of the cell walls of the respiratory tract. It is one of the primary indicators that verify the
Mental health is as important as, if not more important than, physical health. Typically a physical illness is easier to diagnose and treat than a mental illness. While pharmacological
Some people recover quickly, while others struggle to exercise for several weeks or months after COVID-19 infection. Everyone’s experience is unique, and thus everyone’s return to exercise will be
As we all know, the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) is much worse than the seasonal flu. Older people and those with various severe medical conditions are more likely to have
While both exercise physiologists and physiotherapists are allied health professionals with the same end goal of improving a patient’s quality of life, the treatment methods and conditions they see
The goal of art therapy is to use the creative process to assist people in exploring self-expression and, as a result, discover new ways to gain personal insight and
An exercise physiologist is a trained allied health professional who studies the body’s response to exercise. Exercise physiologists assess their patients’ fitness to help them improve or maintain their
At Hub And Spoke Health, we provide NDIS physiotherapy home visits to participants who prefer to have services performed in the comfort of their own home or aged care
Sometimes people ask us if it’s safe to visit them in the home during these unprecedented times of COVID. The truth is, as we are only able to see
Home Physio is becoming an increasingly popular choice for treatment, and there are many benefits to be had from seeing a therapist in the comfort of your own home.
There is a phrase that is relatively well known now. It is one of those cliches that get thrown around now and then. To make a change to someone,
If you have ever considered working for a mobile physiotherapy company but are unsure of what it entails, this article is for you! I’ll take you through the elements
Hi All, While we have had 9 cases in Melbourne, the situation in India is still quite dire. There have been over 300,000 deaths, and still over 200,000 new
Hi all, I know this may be a fairly controversial post for some, and welcome news for others. I’m not interested in the social discourse of what you believe
Arthritis affects about 1 in 10 Australians, and people living arthritis tend to report having poorer general health than people who don’t have it. While arthritis tends to affect
Neck pain is such a common issue in Australian adults that roughly 1 in 6 people reading this will be suffering from it! Across your lifespan, the chance of


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