Blogs : Health and Wellness

Your go-to resource for valuable tips, insights, and advice on pain management, recovery, and maintaining your physical well-being. Explore our archive for a wealth of physiotherapy knowledge

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Falls can be common, especially among elderly people, and can result in serious injuries. Falls are a significant public health concern, with one in three adults over 65 experiencing
Have you ever heard of ice bath therapy? It may sound intimidating, but it’s becoming increasingly popular among athletes and fitness enthusiasts. But what exactly is it, and what
Are you spending most of your day sitting down, whether it’s in the office, at home, during your commute, or in lectures and classes? If so, you’re not alone.
Ice baths, also known as cold water immersion, have become a popular recovery technique among athletes and fitness enthusiasts. The theory behind ice baths is that the cold temperature
Type 2 diabetes is a progressive chronic condition in which the body becomes resistant to the expected effects of insulin and gradually loses the capacity to produce enough. In
As a mobile physiotherapist, a large percentage of my patient demographic is aging or relatively deconditioned. The common presentations and questions posed may be familiar to you. How do
Neck pain is a common ailment caused by various factors, including poor posture, muscle strain, and injury. Neck pain is common yet often avoidable. You can do plenty of
When you’re living with chronic pain, every day can feel like a battle. You might struggle to get through your regular routine or feel overwhelmed by the pain. If
Why We Fall As we get older, our bodies change. Our balance and muscle strength decrease, which may heighten the risk of falling. Physiotherapists and other professionals recognise this
Some people recover quickly, while others struggle to exercise for several weeks or months after COVID-19 infection. Everyone’s experience is unique, and thus everyone’s return to exercise will be
As we all know, the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) is much worse than the seasonal flu. Older people and those with various severe medical conditions are more likely to have


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