NDIS - National Disability Insurance Scheme

Helping participants to achieve their physical and lifestyle goals.

We’re here to make booking your NDIS appointment as easy as possible.

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NDIS - National Disability Insurance Scheme | Hub and Spoke Health

Allied Health Services for NDIS Participants

Hub & Spoke Health is a registered NDIS provider

We are registered to provide:

We will provide treatment where it’s most suitable for you.


Why Book a Mobile Home Visit?

Having physio, exercise physiology or other Allied Health service provided at home is convenient and means the participant will be more comfortable with their environment. 

In addition to this, there is a functional benefit for having services provided in the home environment. When we’re at the participant’s home, we can assess them in their natural environment, allowing us to make real-time changes and recommendations which can positively benefit the participant straight away.

Mobile home visits bring healthcare services right to your doorstep, eliminating the need for travel. This convenience is especially valuable for individuals with mobility issues, busy schedules, or those residing in remote areas.

In the comfort of your own home, healthcare providers can assess your living environment, gaining insights into your daily challenges and needs. This allows for more personalised and effective care plans.

Avoiding the hassle of commuting to a medical facility can significantly reduce stress levels. Patients often feel more relaxed and at ease during mobile home visits, which can positively impact their overall well-being.

Mobile home visits provide an opportunity for family members to actively participate in the care process. They can gain a better understanding of the patient’s condition and receive guidance on how to offer support at home.

In certain situations, such as during a pandemic, mobile home visits can help minimise the risk of exposure to contagious illnesses that might be present in healthcare facilities. This ensures a safer healthcare experience for both patients and providers.

NDIS Mobile Physiotherapy | Hub and Spoke Health
NDIS - National Disability Insurance Scheme | Hub and Spoke Health

Allied Health Services for NDIS Participants

Allied Health Services for NDIS Participants

As a registered NDIS Provider, we’re here to support participants in reaching their physical and lifestyle goals at home. Get started today. Submit your patient information and book online now or call 1800 166 167.

Hub & Spoke Health

Helping NDIS participants to move and feel better

At Hub & Spoke Health, we’re committed to helping people living with a disability to reach their goals. Whether it’s achieving great independence, helping them to be more involved in the community or improved wellbeing, we’re here to help make it happen.

We strive to work collaboratively with all stakeholders involved in participant’s care to ensure the best outcome possible are achieved.

Our practitioners support participants with:

For advice on COVID-19 and people with a disability, see the Australian Government Department of Health’s advice for people at greater risk of COVID-19.

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Our mobile Allied Health services

Our Hub & Spoke practitioners will bring their equipment with them so you get the full benefit of a clinic visit without leaving your home. The biggest benefit of assessing you at home is we get to understand your home environment.  As a result, we can make instant changes to anything that could be contributing to your aches and pains, or restrictions in movement.

Our initial consultations run for 1-hour and follow-up appointments for 30-45 minutes, potentially reducing the number of visits you’ll need and providing value for money.

Mobile Physiotherapy

We’ll bring our experience and equipment to your home to provide the best evidence-based Physiotherapy to support you to move and live better.

Mobile Exercise Physiotherapy

We have a deep understanding of fitness, exercise prescription, dosage, anatomy, physiology and most importantly, we prevent you from re-injuring yourself.

Mobile Art Therapy

Art Therapy uses the creative process of art to enhance the emotional and physical well-being of both children and adults, and can be delivered in the comfort of your own home. We bring all art supplies with us so that it's just like being in a studio.

Mobile Music Therapy

Music therapy is a clinical and evidence-based use of music interventions to address physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs of individuals and can be delivered in the comfort of your own home. Our music therapists bring an array of instruments with them, to cater for any therapeutic musical preference.