Home Care Package Melbourne

Aged Care Advisors

Also know as Home Care Package Advisors, Aged Care Advisors are involved in managing the care for patients on Home Care Packages. At Hub and Spoke Health, our primary focus is on the well-being of our patients. We recognise that Aged Care Advisors have demanding schedules, and often oversee multiple patient needs.

As a result, we firmly believe that by providing ongoing communication with our advisors, we ultimately enhance the quality of care for our patients.

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Aged Care Providers | Hub and Spoke Health

How does Hub and Spoke Health work with Aged Care Advisors?

A home care package advisor is a professional or consultant who assists individuals in understanding and accessing home care packages. Home care packages are a government-funded program, typically provided to elderly individuals, that offer a range of services to support them in continuing to live independently in their own homes. These services may include personal care, nursing, allied health services, meal preparation, and home maintenance.

A home care package advisor helps clients navigate the application process, assess their care needs, and select the most suitable package level for their requirements. They can also provide guidance on choosing a home care provider, understanding the available services, and managing the ongoing care plan. The advisor’s role is to ensure that the individual receives the right level of care and support to maintain their quality of life at home. This can be especially valuable for those who may be unfamiliar with the home care system and its various options.

Aged Care Quality Standards

Hub and Spoke Health regularly performs self-audits to assess our competency and compliance with the Aged Care Quality Standards.

Aged Care Providers | Hub and Spoke Health

Mobile Aged Care Providers

Set your goals with Hub and Spoke Health

Initial Assessment

Our comprehensive initial assessment lasts for one hour. In this time we assess the patients’ needs, and find out about their abilities needs and goals. We also perform treatment, and give exercises if needed.

The initial assessment is sent to each advisor at the end of the session, so they can assess the plan for the patient.


Scheduling home visits can be a timely and complicated process.

Hub and Spoke Health takes the pain out of scheduling your Home Care Package patients, by organising all of this for you.


As part of the Aged Care Compliance standards, Hub and Spoke Health sends monthly reports to our Aged Care Advisors.

We have a structured and evidence-based approach to report-writing. We often collaborate with other allied health professionals to ensure we are all working towards the same goal.

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We provide quality NDIS support

As a registered NDIS provider & Home Care Package provider, we offer tailored care and assistance to help people with disability live life to the fullest. We’ll work with you to create a plan that meets your specific needs and helps you reach your goals.

Contact Hub & Spoke Health today for more information or to schedule a consultation.

Our mobile Allied Health services

Our Hub & Spoke practitioners will bring their equipment with them so you get the full benefit of a clinic visit without leaving your home. The biggest benefit of assessing you at home is we get to understand your home environment.  As a result, we can make instant changes to anything that could be contributing to your aches and pains, or restrictions in movement.

Our initial consultations run for 1-hour and follow-up appointments for 30-45 minutes, potentially reducing the number of visits you’ll need and providing value for money.

Mobile Physiotherapy

We’ll bring our experience and equipment to your home to provide the best evidence-based Physiotherapy to support you to move and live better.

Mobile Exercise Physiotherapy

We have a deep understanding of fitness, exercise prescription, dosage, anatomy, physiology and most importantly, we prevent you from re-injuring yourself.

Mobile Art Therapy

Art Therapy uses the creative process of art to enhance the emotional and physical well-being of both children and adults, and can be delivered in the comfort of your own home. We bring all art supplies with us so that it's just like being in a studio.

Mobile Music Therapy

Music therapy is a clinical and evidence-based use of music interventions to address physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs of individuals and can be delivered in the comfort of your own home. Our music therapists bring an array of instruments with them, to cater for any therapeutic musical preference.