Mobile Allied Health Service

Physiotherapy, Exercise Physiology, Art Therapy, Music Therapy in Glen Iris

Are you short on time?
Our expert therapists come to you!

We are a quality audited, NDIS, and Home Care Provider

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Home Physio Melbourne | Hub and Spoke Health - Physio That Comes To Your Home

Your trusted mobile allied health service​

Home Physio, Exercise Physiology, Art Therapy and Music Therapy Glen Iris

Hub And Spoke Health is a multidisciplinary, mobile allied health service comprised of Physiotherapists, Exercise Physiologists, Art Therapists, Music Therapists and Allied Health Assistants

Our mobile Allied Health services

Home Physio, Exercise Physiology, Art Therapy and Music Glen Iris

Mobile Physiotherapy

We’ll bring our experience and equipment to your home to provide the best evidence-based Physiotherapy to support you to move and live better.

Mobile Exercise Physiotherapy

We have a deep understanding of fitness, exercise prescription, dosage, anatomy, physiology and most importantly, we prevent you from re-injuring yourself.

Mobile Art Therapy

Art Therapy uses the creative process of art to enhance the emotional and physical well-being of both children and adults, and can be delivered in the comfort of your own home. We bring all art supplies with us so that it's just like being in a studio.

Mobile Music Therapy

Music therapy is a clinical and evidence-based use of music interventions to address physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs of individuals and can be delivered in the comfort of your own home. Our music therapists bring an array of instruments with them, to cater for any therapeutic musical preference.

Get back to your best health
with Hub & Spoke

We offer support to a range of conditions, including:

Home Physio and Allied Health Services in Glen Iris

Have Physio, Exercise Physiology, Art Therapy, and Music Therapy where and when you want

At Hub And Spoke Health, we believe that every person deserves access to quality physio, exercise physiology, art therapy and music therapy, regardless of their location. That’s why we provide services in Glen Iris and the City of Boroondara.

We treat you where you want!